What FOB song makes you hit the skip button every time?

Currently, the only songs not in my master Fall Out Boy playlist are:

  1. Calm Before The Storm - EOWYG version. I like the TTTYG one.
  2. Switchblades and Infidelity
  3. Growing Up
  4. The World's Not Waiting (For Five Tired Boys In A Broken Down Van)
  5. Grenade Jumper
  6. Reinventing the Wheel to Run Myself Over
  7. The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes
  8. Yule Shoot Your Eye Out
  9. Rat A Tat (I just need to warm up to Courtney's parts)
  10. I've Been Waiting

Oh, and any others not on Spotify, but that's against my will :)

I tend to warm up to songs after a while, since I revisit them once every two weeks, so this will definitely be a shorter list in the future.

/r/FallOutBoy Thread Link - i.redd.it