Mill value changes and why it matters to people who bought kegs - let's discuss

You get all commons and rares after 100 packs. Thats why I count every keg as 30 scraps and mostly for simplicity. ( I dont count in epic/legendaries because they didnt get affect by the change and u generally dont scrap them.)

The value indeed went down. Even if you count kegs as cards rather then scraps.

  • You bought 200 kegs with gold and scrap all commons and rares before patch. This means you get 200 x 30 =6000 scraps.

  • You bought 200 kegs with gold and dusted all rares and commons after patch you would get 200 x 60=12000 scraps

  • If you bought 200 kegs with real money and dusted all rares and commons before patch and get 30 dust back for each keg you would get 200x60=12 000 scraps.

  • If you scraped them after patch you would get 200x90=18000 scraps.

If you dont count commons and rares as scraps but rather as cards then kegs bought with real money still get way more value by getting the scraps for compensations.

Therefore the kegs bought with real money can have up to 3 times the value of keg bought with gold. I know these numbers are not exact but I am just trying to prove my point, corrent me if I am wrong please.

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