What to do? Please help!

If I were in your place, this is what I would do:

  1. start exercising, even if you don't feel like it Just a 30 minute run every morning is sufficient
  2. Evaluate evry aspect of your life What is not tracked, can't be fixed
  3. Make a list of what you are good at (I didn't say what you love doing)
  4. Make a plan to be financially stable and clear every dept if you have.
  5. Ask competent people in the field you choose what they would you in your situation.

6.apply and reinvest in yourself and your financial stability

Following what you love is BS. be extremely good at something people value that you can live from. Then you will love it just because it fulfils you in ways you can't understand now. You can't dismiss a career just because of bad experiences in the start.

7.surround yourself with people that care about you and that can build success with you. (Always think win win)

  1. Don't marry too early, be successful and stable enough then have a family (if your wife can support you to be the person you want, it's another story)

  2. read as much as you can

Best of luck

/r/careeradvice Thread