Finally Pro Rank!!!

Not the person you replied to, but here is my homebrew Crimes SY deck I used to get to pro rank:

Your points are mainly coming from townsfolk (which get boosted for every coin you get back from KoB on top of your leader ability, it's ridiculous), Bincy (better townsfolk), Skewertooth (invincibility ftw), and whatever spenders you get to stick. You get really good control options with Philippa, Moreelse, Freakshow, and Bloody Good Fun. Overall it's a really flexible and fun deck to play.

Strategy depends on the matchup, but generally you try to get at least one or two point sources to stick R1 and either force them out with massive points or play a non-committal control game. R2 or 3 is often an easy bleed especially if you saved your good cards.

But yeah give it a try and have fun :)

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