I miss tf out of this game so much.

I'm 26 years old and this game was my life back then. I was called the F2P protector of 4x pking zone because I just stayed inside and killed anyone who tried to kill and bully newbies.

I made a friend in Fiesta and he became my big brother (I'm an only child). We would play daily after school and since I had no money back then, he hooked me up with the red wolf haircut which was a premium haircut that I always thought looked really cool.

But one day, he never went online again and I was worried. So since we were friends on Facebook, I messaged his family members asking if he was doing alright.

Sadly, my friend, my big brother, committed suicide due to his bad relationship with his dad which was written in his suicide note... (he always told me how much he hates being treated like shit by his dad despite all the great achievements he had in school).

I stopped playing after that, but I never forget to message him every year via Facebook on how much I miss him and how I wish we could've played these new games together.

/r/FiestaOnline Thread