CMV: Driving slow in the left lane is frequently complained about, but I believe the complaints are unjustified if the person is driving at the speed limit.

I believe that the greatest menaces on the road are drivers who are distracted (particularly while using phones) and drivers under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Fast drivers are less likely to be distracted or under the influence due to the following:

1.) Self-preservation: A fast driver has to be totally engaged in the process of driving. They need to gauge their speed should the flow of traffic slow and be aware of possible road hazards. Because they are aware of their speed and other factors that could end their life if they are not totally engaged then they are much less likely to use their phone.

2.) Fear of losing their license: If you are caught speeding by law enforcement the consequence is a ticket. If you are caught under the influence of drugs and alcohol you lose your license. A fast driver knows that they are more likely to be pulled-over if speeding; therefore it is less likely they will speed and be under the influence.

By driving slowly in a lane that should be reserved for faster drivers you are endangering the life of you, the fast driver and possibly others on the road. Is the fast driver an asshole who thinks they are special or entitled? Maybe, but so is the guy texting his girlfriend while driving. So is the solitary driver who doesn’t want to sit in traffic so decides to break the double yellow lines to get into the carpool lane. So is the guy who decides to drive while wasted on booze. You can’t control assholes, just your reaction to them. Move into the next lane and let it go.

/r/changemyview Thread