Modafinil vs. Pramiracetam

That's interesting. Don't usually see that. If anything, 300mg shouldn't be too effecting, since it's one of the earliest racetams, potency is still left something to be improved upon similarly to aniracetam, oxiracetam. In practice 600mg dosages are used, once or twice a day. The bit about drowsiness usually goes along with substances which effect blood flow or vascular tone, and that do not agree with one. Prami should effect it significantly, so that might be it. What's the situation with your BP, if you don't mind?

Atomoxetine as i recall produces effects a bit counter to those of racetams. It's a NRI, and NMDAr antagonist. I think it might've been maybe a too quick of a titration or somesuch, it does carry a rather wide side effect profile.

Don't know what to tell you mate, maybe you could try a lower dose, but that might be a waste of this not-so-cheap sub. Or it might just be an unpleasant reaction to a cholinergic. Have you used any in the past (how did they effect)?

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