Saw this and thought of all of you. (From @SeanMcCarthyCom)

Allen Dulles posts a video making himself puke with a black and white filter on it after binging the three orders of In and Out he had Doordash’d to his apartment

This is just so wrong to joke about on so many levels. Everyone bringing up the fascist coup he engineered in Guatemala has serious Twitter brain and no base level of human decency and respect. I watched the Tucker monologue last night where he memorialized RBG despite their political differences and already added it to my manufactured, reactionary, faux-Catholic personality I adopted when I couldn’t make friends at NYU.

If you even find the slightest bit of absurdity or comedy in an LA celebrity taking the time to make the perfect pose while still in the hospital bed for a miscarriage Instagram photoshoot then I feel sorry for you. This life is very solemn and serious which is why it’s important to be emotionally invested in the Twitter beef of the day between B-list Twitter intellectuals.

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