Molecule new coil TC problems

Same reason I shelved the Mole. Spent more time messing with that dumb-ass coil replacement. Not spending any more time on installing new coils that don't TC. Compared to the Sai, I need consistent ready on demand vape every day all the time. Peeps thinks that the Mole is great till it degrades like every coil I ever used. What a mess after that, 4 coil & lucky to get 2 to work. I can pulse wattage on any coil & most swap out seamlessly. This thing is a Nightmare for anyone with stiff hand & no sense of Humor, lol. Like I said, hoping the Macor project cleans this up and makes it use able for me again. I had all the right tools to change coils, did it flawlessly and still all I got was .44 not the .386 as the original. This on 3 coils. At least I got 15 grams thru in a month of sweet tasty pulls, but for me it then becomes a $15 resale & the problem becomes someone younger with more patience while I get High with the Sai Ti Skillet Coils, No Maintainence, mixing concentrates with NO PRODUCT LOSS at ALL & so little reclaim that a Q-Tip & water swipe get it new & shinny every day.
Unless U/Dabbercrombie Macor's redesigned bowl fixes Att'y leaking, this Mole is not for a heavy user, unless you like messing with all these shortcomings & coils jumping resistance.

/r/Waxpen Thread