Monday Daily

I wasn't too sick in the early weeks, but I was TIRED. Basically, if I did nothing, I felt okay, but then I would think "Oh, maybe I'm okay" and then try to do something and I'd be exhausted. I mean, the first week or so after finding out, I was on adrenaline and had a bunch of energy, but that wore off fast.

I'd go see my acupuncturist (who had a midwife sitting in with him then) and start talking about doing a few things, maybe just for my mental health because maybe I'd have a little more energy if I wasn't such a slug all the time.... Got a lot of repeated NO. YOU REST. DO NOTHING. from the both of them.

My husband was worried because I was lying on the couch all the time and thought "maybe you should just take a little walk?" and I'd suggest the same, and would get the same advice. NO. REST AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. I'd be bored and would go out and do a few things, and then I'd be exhausted.

So I gave up and did nothing but watch a lot of TV--my life was such that I could get away with that most days. And I felt crap about it, because all this time just being frittered away... shouldn't I be doing something? A little something?

But you know, they were right.... the more I rested the better I felt. The more I tried to do stuff--and my husband really wanted us to go out and do stuff--the more crappy I'd feel afterward. It was mostly the mental issue of thinking "Shouldn't I be doing something?" that I had to get over.

So.... don't do stuff at home, don't plan to do things, get over this idea that if you have time you should be able to do a little bit of something, do nothing, eat whatever will stay down and rest, rest, rest. Your guide is now "sloth". Be lazy. Nap when you feel like it. Lie back and put your feet up otherwise.

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