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There is no such thing as spot reducing unfortunately. Meaning you just cant target one area where the fat is, work on that, and expect results. For example, you'll never see a fat person with a six pack.

People lose fat differently. Some may lose it in their arms first, some may lose it there last.

Just concentrate on the calories you're eating. I'm going to guess you need to be eating 1500 to 1800 calories depending on your height/weight/etc.

Nutrition/calories is the #1 on thing. Learn your food, stick with it, give yourself a cheat day or two. Eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, that way you help speed up your metabolism.

Lift weights. 8 -15 reps, 3-5 sets is basic. Or check out /r/getfit or another similar sub.

Obviously, cardio. Interval training imo is the best, which is both low/mid/high endurance. So walk a bit, run fast a bit, jog a bit.

I could go on and on, but I don't want to bore you. Plus its different for each person. I just gave some basics.

Oh and nutrients/supplements. Most people are stressed thru everyday work/kids/relationship, having to cook, bills, etc etc etc LIFE. Those stresses on your life create free radicals in your body. Most people after about a month, give or take, stop working out because they're so sluggish and tired. A good mutlivitamin and anti-oxidant imo is necessary. Since you won't be eating much, you won't be getting the nutrients you need, plus the extra stress on your body from exercise, you'll need those extra nutrients that you're not getting from your limited calories you're going to be on.

Good luck, and let me know if you ever have other questions.

And don't go full force. Take it slow. Start with

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