More Interesting Lore: Darksouls > Elden Ring

I mean, lore being interesting is so very subjective, that it’s hard to agree here.

While I might not like ER‘s lore quite as much as Bloodborne, I very much enjoy the underlying mythologies behind this world! (Mostly Norse mythology, with stuff from Gnosticism and Alchemy)

Especially the Marika/Radagon stuff and the Outer Gods are very intriguing to me personally!

Plus, comparing this to Dark Souls, which spans 3 games with hefty DLC each, is quite unfair.

Back when DS1 released, we had no idea about Manus, what Artorias really did, Oolacile or the Sun‘s Firstborn. In truth, we only really learned about the last two aspects in Dark Souls 3, quite a few years later!

/r/Eldenring Thread