More People Are Microdosing for Mental Health. But Does It Work? [press]

That's not at all what he's saying you're just throwing an anti-science temper tantrum. People report subjective benefits so often it's unlikely that no one genuinely benefits. What we've seen is that people do not benefit on gross measures of mood and anxiety. Psychiatric illness is very heterogeneous, and largely a result of "natural"/evolved behavioral responses that had adaptive purposes in environments where resource scarcity was a much bigger issue. We have clear evidence that microdosing does something, it's just not clear exactly what or who it would benefit. The safety profile is also so good that if it works at all, for anything, it would be amazing. For example, I'm not sure whether anyone has looked at microdosing as a way to facilitate integration of psychedelic (or even traditional) psychotherapeutic breakthroughs.

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