More than $31,000 already raised for 56-year-old Detroit man forced to walk 21 miles to work every day.

My uncle used to do 15mi's to work everyday and then spent an 8 hour shift shoveling coal in Chicago. It sucked but he did what he needed to do for his family. Both him and my mom were adopted, and do to " Behavior Problems" he was sent to a mental institution ( Basically he didn't want to be adopted because he was already 12 at the time and had been living by himself for many years on the street, and it was the 60s so... well it was the 60s). After he got out, my mom couldn't find him because he pretty much drifted around. He always sent me gifts though, like a glass encased scorpion or special coins wherever he was.He never missed my birthday or Christmas despite barely being able to feed himself. He also loved animals, he would always send picture of whatever stray he had picked up recently. Eventually he settled down, and got married to a real estate agent. This is when we finally got contact with him.They even got a house, for a while they were doing really well, but after the housing bubble she lost her job. Eventually he become wheelchair bound ( The doctors think it was do to the shit they did to him in the mental institution-shock treatment and the like) My parents had a second house that they rented so they pretty much gave it to them. They are pretty happy now, and they live there with all their ferrets and dogs and cats. It is basically a zoo. I guess my point of writing all of this is that, you don't really know what a persons situation is for being homeless, and the majority of the time it is not their fault. They try really really hard to " Pull themselves up by their bootstraps" but sometimes that isn't enough and they need a little help. They are not lazy, they are anything but, and most of them have worked harder jobs then you ever will sitting at your office desk. There isn't just one guy like this its Hundreds of thousands if not millions in similar situations. So not only for the sake of this man, but all the other men, women and children in similar situations just do what you can.

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