Most underated

i think scorch and repulse enchant are fairly rated as being bad.

mask is really good situationally

ER is definitely slept on by a lot of ad carries that can use it, but even as a niche class based item i see it used more than Champion rune

i voted champion because i rarely see it in builds but its a really insane rune on champs like draven or eve.

evelynn because shes pretty much all damage and her ulti is an insane escape

draven because it makes his early snowball that much better

whats really crazy is champion used to give +10% damage. people would take GA first on champs like lee and just never die. dealing 10% extra for first 12 minutes of the game, you finally kill them so theyre down to 5% and then they have GA up again. early seasons were bonkers

/r/wildrift Thread