pc version player here, how is the meta on wild rift?

Magic resist items are dogshit right now. Ap Champs are more prevalant than ever. Lethality items are kinda lagging behind bruiser and ap items.GW is better here in WR but there some cases of an Aatrox or Soroka healing a shit ton despite GW effect.Enchanter supports are broken.Hulbreaker being abused in the Mid lane.

No more leash for junglers, its can can cause laners to lose gold and exp of they do it.

More junglers are meta now such as Diana and Darius and I predict Zed gonna be picked for jungle more in the future. Lee Sin still 1# jungler in high elo.

Kayle and Camille are overnerfed. Yone and Aatrox is perma banned. Lucian and Trist are broken Adc's right now. Vex is strong in Mid.

Red Kayn is strong but Blue Kayn is still lagging behind despite the buffs. Kha'zix still strong and Rengar just came back from the dead since his last nerf.

/r/wildrift Thread