I am a gold 4 player being matched against plat 1.

I mean, even if you have a 0.1% increase in effectiveness that doesn't help you carry games where every other person on your team decides to go 0-5 in three minutes. Yes, there are unwinnable games (and there should be unwinnable games), but sometimes matchmaking just screws you over for six games in a row if your winrate is too high (or gives you players who will carry you if your winrate is too low), and that is frustrating as fuck no matter how you look at it.

I tested this on a smurf. >75% winrate in provisionals, got gold, then lost four games in a row because skill levels were that uneven. Looked at a person's match history (who went 1-14 in my game and bought GA into Bloodthirster on Seraphine, lol), and ALL of their matches looked exactly like this, with the exact same build on every champion and horrible stats, and they were high silver and even won four games in a row one time. This person belongs in iron, and yet they somehow were in my game and even almost got carried by me and another player who was doing really well. It's nice that the game thinks I'm doing so well that it expects me to carry horrible players, but often times those matches just feel horribly oppressive, and losing sprees suck. Not everyone plays like Challenger, and some people just wanna get to diamond without having to overcome losing spree after losing spree.

This is also really unfair to support mains - Good luck carrying with Soraka while your lane is losing because your carry plays a lot worse than you and the enemy Darius on the other half of the map is getting a triple kill.

Honestly, matchmaking is not that great, and calling people idiots and telling them to practise last hitting for complaining about it is just uncalled for. Yes, a lot of people on this sub are annoying, and I don't see the point in making post after post after post complaining about this, but refusing to acknowledge the system's flaws is just as annoying.

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