Brexit secretary David Davis attacked online by ex-aide

I'm 100% sure that this is just my bias showing through and a complete lack of good will from me, but I can imagine the majority of Tory politicians are workshy.

Sure, they work, and probably think they work hard - but they don't know what a life would be like where there's nothing between you and destitution other than your own gumption. They've always had mummy and daddy to fall back on, and always had a helping hand from people in their/their parent's inner circle. So they simply can't get it through their heads why others don't just take more opportunities - because to them, opportunity is everywhere.

I think this is painfully obvious when you hear some of them go on - especially people like IDS who claimed he could live off of £53/week despite the fact he has breakfasts that cost more (a statement he hasn't even disowned to the best of my knowledge - but perhaps he was remembering his time as a student where he lived with his rich relative and £53 could feed a family of four and leave enough for entertainment). So detached from reality, but because their lives have been comparatively easy (i.e. they worked kind of hard at school and got into good universities, before getting decent jobs) they just don't have the ability to comprehend how life could be different. It's sheer emotional idiocy, for lack of a better term.

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