The mountains were mountains and the rivers were rivers.

I would ask the OP, what is it you want? If you want to conceptually explore McKenna’s teachings, fine. But if your intent is to wake up, I would direct you back to book 1. I read McKenna 20+ years ago and found him invaluable for saying that enlightenment is and isn’t and for igniting my first step. But picking apart his teachings, which imindukged in for a time did not he,o me tomawaken. What worked is Maharshi’s approach. I would suggest that the OP wake up for real and then if he care to go back and re-read McKenna, trust me, it will be like reading it for the first time, but on that (this?) side of the gate. Then look at your original,post and you’ll be able to answer that question for yourself.

/r/nonduality Thread