How did you became enlightened ?

The only thing that makes me enlightened is being part of conversations here and on r/awakened. Some side conversations have happened, but only as a result of being involved with folks on these subs

Apart from this conversation, there isn't any enlightenment. Whatever started as a spiritual journey or spiritual seeking at some point became clear to have simply been life. Some folks gravitate to certain ideas and habits, others to different ideas and habits. Maybe it's genetics. Circumstances. Luck. Chaos. All of it

You do what you do because you do what you do and you see what you see because you see what you see

Genuinely this simple

That there's more quietude or a different perspective than what's common is no more unique than having a knack of trading stocks or a talent for swimming

That being said, within the context of this particular game (waking up to nondual awareness), there's a way to play and there seems to be a familiarity with the rules on this end. And the way the game is played, shows other games being played and reveals a depth to the games which, maybe apart from theoretical physics, isn't covered anywhere else

/r/nonduality Thread