Mouth bumps

Unprotected oral encounter two months ago... developed white spots on my lips 2 weeks after that haven't gone away. Look like fordyce spots but have never had them before. The papillae at the back of my tongue are also swollen.

I have redness at the tip of my penis but no pain or discharge. It feels like my ball veins are swollen and I also have some small red spots around the head (not localized). My balls are occasionally red and itchy.

Small white bumps are also developing in my finger joints... they're not connected to the bone and vary in shape and size but seem fluidy.

Not sure what's going on, I feel like humpty dumpty. Took an STD panel at 1 month and came back negative for Chlamydia, Gonnareha, HSV, HIV, Syphilis. Only took panel and didn't meet with doctor. Not sure what kind of doctor to visit.

Edit: any helps or leads are appreciated!! I can share more pics if needed.

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