Moving to UK, looking for a “buy, borrow, die” loan.

Thanks, I’ve spoken to Royal Bank of Canada and they’re willing to lend up to 75% against TSLA but the rates seem high. Ideally I’d like to find a competent UK based broker who knows this market well, can navigate UK specific issues with this type of loan and can tell me whether RBoC is competitive.

With regard to my bemusement, forgive me but isn’t this a FAT fire sub? The US one regularly has posts from people far wealthier than me, 9 figures isn’t uncommon.

With regard to your point about investing skill, I don’t consider myself an “investor”, I’m not interested in conservative, orthodox “this is how it should be done” investing methodologies. I only own TSLA stock via the market as that is the only way to buy a bit of Tesla the company. I’d far rather write Elon a check directly. I see that we are on the cusp of a brave new technological world, the great tech revolution, and Tesla is most likely going to be the key player in that economy, becoming far larger than any company in history. Just solving for autonomy would 20x at least my investment, and that is but one of several avenues for enormous growth with this company, including potential for solving for AGI.

I have spent most of my available time from 2016 following the Tesla / Elon story and am extremely confident in my assessment.

/r/FatFIREUK Thread Parent