My descent into hell. [misc] [strategy]

First off, he's not talking about xmod. He's talking about botting, and no, they are not the same thing.

Second, blocking root might stop a few of the people using xmod, but anybody who knows anything about root knows that there are ways to hide the fact that you are rooted from specific apps. I've personally encountered this several times, and there is ALWAYS a workaround.

Third, I HATE bots, but I have reluctantly become a botter. Why, you ask? The exact same reason I started using xmod. Anybody who believes that only a small percentage of players use these tools, is fooling yourself. The demand for software dictates its creation, its advancement, and its use. I played clash for nearly a year without ever hearing of any of these tools. Then I found something.. and watched as the exploits became better, and ultimately got to the point where I had to make a decision (Quit playing because of them, or join em). Over the last 6 months I have watched at least 8 different botting tools go from basic farming (easy to detect) bots, to much more complex intelligent bots. This doesn't happen without people putting some serious money into them. Supercell made over $1B in revenue last year. I guarantee that the development teams behind these bots are into the Millions already.

Would I like to see xmod and bots abolished from Clash of Clans? HELL YES! Will it happen? Probably not. The only ppl who can do anything about it are the developers behind the game, and Supercell doesn't seem to really care. They are making too much money, and the last thing they want to do is something that will decrease that. Regardless of what people believe, Supercell cares about one thing! It's bottom line. They don't give a shit about the players of this game, they don't care about the game itself, and they definitely don't care about how many people quit the game because of cheaters. They only care about their revenue, and the fact that it continues to increase.

/r/ClashOfClans Thread