Weekly Questions Megathread

It will be king thread First question- Tesla deals same damage to every troop Second question - it depends which type of player you are Like their are some strategies that require high ( sui , Qc lalo ) / moderate ( qc hog and miners ) / low (pekka spam ) If you are fully maxed th 10 than I will suggest you to learn qc and blizzard ( blimp which carry super wizard with invisible and rage ) both can pair up to any strategy like ( drag spam , lavaloon ( lalo) even golem witch spam ) But if you want easy way then th11 has e drags which just crushes everything without seige but you should know how to spam. Super archers bats are underrated very powerful

Last question - blizzard already explained , smash attacks ( you use ground army in which you just spam from one side ) example golem witch spam ( Gowiwi) , pekka bowlers , you can mix all of them . Hybrid ( hog riders and miner ) . Fly brid ( drag riders , dragons / baby inferno drags , electro drags ).Lalo ( balloons and lava hound ) , loons ( balloons ). Qc- queen charge . I haven’t heard of x units so idk

/r/ClashOfClans Thread