My first go at an intentional double exposure (Mamiya RB67). How’d I do?

So yeah, this was my first go at an in-camera double exposure on film. I’m super jazzed about how it came out, but would love to get some other opinions on it. Along with that, I’d like some feedback on my arrangement here. I wanted to include a regular portrait of the subject to help give context to the shapes in the double exposure, and thought this one was nice. I also experimented with the border, in an effort to accent the pictures themselves. I shot these on a Mamiya RB67, with Kodak Tmax 400 film. Very little post-processing done, aside from the border(s). Do you like these images together? Do you think it would’ve been stronger with just the double exposure? How’s my exposure/composition looking for the images? Are the borders too much/distracting? I’m very curious as to what y’all have to say! Thank you!


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