So, my girlfriend started playing. (Mild spoilers for Rin)

He's using the same kind of "this happens pretty frequently, so it must be WHAT ALWAYS HAPPENS WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS" logic that you see all the time from pickup artists and redpillers.

Like, let's operate from the position provided (which is based on this 1989 study (data recorded in 1978 and 1982)), which has some very real issues (also, to continue my abuse of parentheses, he ignores that the men in the original study had a 50% success rate when it came to asking for dates rather than sex), which is that women are accepted much more frequently when they propose casual sex, and men are basically never accepted. First of all, it's important to know how many women are actually, you know, down with soliciting casual sex--especially considering how women are generally discouraged from being promiscuous, from being "sluts"--and second of all, it needs to be said that having sex isn't the same thing as finding a meaningful emotional connection to someone.

I mean, seriously. How removed from reality do you have to be to think that women, in general, don't have problems finding people that love and understand them? Hell, even if heterosexual women could just happen upon men they fit with, that would still mean that a lot of men were finding relationships simply by virtue of sticking on the social scene and being good people. That sounds like an argument for getting some fresh air and meeting people, not retreating and giving up.

Man I'm just reading his comments and I'm questioning how someone could consider themselves a fan of KS, which is absolutely brimming with some pretty unsubtle messages about a) the value of reaching out to other people even when it hurts (looking at you, Rin's arc), and b) the difference between a sexually intimate relationship and an emotionally intimate and satisfying relationship (hey remember how the main source of tension in Emi's arc is the disconnect between the level of physical and emotional intimacy the lead characters share) and have a worldview like this.

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