My pure strength poise monster build and small PSA regarding arena ques.

Random tips:

Having throwing knives in your first slot can make a big difference. Hold down on the Dpad to instantly select your first item.

Reverse backsteps are very powerful, especially when buffed with perseverance. Try to remember to play mind games and back step without doing the tech so you can keep them guessing.

Perseverance is basically a giant neon sign saying stay the fuck away from me. Don't only use it for offense, popping it and rebuffing is an effective strategy or; in my experience once you use perseverance defensively like this a few times they might rush you once it's done. Excellent time to bash their face in. Finally, regarding perseverance, it's best used to tank one hit and start your own combo, and especially effective when you know they have a high frost meter. If you think you can frost em in 2 hits remember 1h r1 is a 2 hit combo and perseverance will remain once you switch to 1h.

Splitleaf GS: The l2 is amazing for roll catches and if you're fast enough you can get the true combo. Reactive play with this weapon is not only advised but top tier pvp strat IMHO.

/r/darksouls3 Thread