My seeds arrived! Any tips?

I just got done sowing the seeds I collected from this same Brand/batch of flowers I planted last year! They are excellent and I'm expanding the area they cover!

I tore out all the grass, raked the soil to even it and break it up, sprinkled them down and just lightly walked over them before watering and they did everything else.

I planted in both full sun and part shade: they did about the same in both areas, though I did water the sunnier side a bit more. For care advice: the bachelor buttons come back over and over if you trim them back. The morning glory tries to climb the flowers around it (I love them, but it was a weird one to add to this mix) so I had to try to put in supports in a few areas or just accept that my flowers would have a little leaning and webby-viny effect from the morning glory crawling on them.

To winter them I cut them down and strew the flower stems and heads around the plant bases. Most are annuals but several did come back. The annuals have reseeded and it's picking back up! I also got 2 bags of flower seeds from the results last year.

Birds, bees, and butterflies love them! And so did I and my neighbors. These inspired the apartments next door to add wildflower beds!

(P.S. these were also better than American meads law replacement specific mix: it wasn't terrible, but the flowers did not last as long, grow as well, and haven't come back)

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