[RANT] When does the rat race end?

My friend once told me - “You can win the rat race by not being a part of it” and this friend is very talented and one of those over achievers and I see him in very high regards

I have been very vocal in this community and other places about the grinding mindset which helps to achieve nothing. You grind until you need it. You need a house , have responsibilities. Good , grind more and get that deserving package.

But at any point , you want to participate in dick measuring contest , it’s just downhill from there. It’s a mental trauma because that measurement never ends. You can never fill your greed. You always want more.

I will suggest people to actually contribute to technology than to take more from it. Learn stuff , build things. Make change but don’t for a moment let yourself believe in the fact that your need to get that money.

You get nothing from that money. If you think anybody gives jackshit about your package then you are so much in wrong direction. Nobody cares how much you earn. And at one point, all the things you buy from your money isn’t going to fill that hole in your life. And then you will implode and I have seen people implode.

If you think that money is the top most thing that you can centre your life around , then oh boy , you will soon have a reality check. The richest people are losing their mind nowadays.

The moment you have this delusion that I am not earning according to market although I don’t need it , you are in soup.

Don’t take any advice from people here who have just started their jobs. They are at start of their long marathon journey. They are 2 year experience with 35-40 more years to go. Take their advice with grain of salt.

With regards to recent layoff, these people had opinions that a FAANG guy with 70+ lpa is happier than any other person because they will earn more in one year than any normal guy and even though they lose their job they will have sufficient money on their hand.

Well I don’t know why they are crying now. Don’t they earn more than the normal guy and can afford to lose job ? They had 70+ lpa because of the shit they are now crying about.

/r/developersIndia Thread