NASA to Get $25.4 Billion in 2023 Federal Budget

  1. The creation of the Space Force represents more than just a new name and budget for something that has already existed. The Space Force is a new branch of the military, with its own unique missions and responsibilities. It is not simply a rebranding of existing space-related activities.

  2. The fact that the military has been involved in space-related activities for a long time does not necessarily justify the creation of the Space Force. It is important to consider the costs and benefits of establishing a new branch of the military, and whether the Space Force is the most effective way to address any perceived needs in the realm of space.

  3. It is not accurate to say that the military has "blown trillions" on secret space launches. It is difficult to determine the exact amount of money that has been spent on space-related activities, but it is likely that the overall budget has been much more modest.

  4. While the Space Force has only formally existed for a few years, the concept of a space-focused military branch has been discussed for decades. It is not accurate to suggest that the Space Force was created impulsively or without careful consideration.

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