Need Help With Kosmemophobia Research for Prototype Documentary Idea

My experience mainly has to do with piercings

  1. More disgust though I do get a little anxious sometimes when thinking about/looking at piercings

  2. Other metal things are fine and have no effect really

  3. I don't have much trouble telling anyone about it though my ex ignored it and carried on wearing her nose piercing after I asked her not to and explained why

  4. Talking about it makes me a little uncomfortable because I start to think about piercings which is unsettling

  5. My ex girlfriend after I told her took it out for a while but then put it back in without letting me know she wanted to and told me to get over myself or something along those lines and accused me of being controlling because of it

  6. For my close friends who know about it, I would appreciate if they took them their piercings out when they're around me. My current gf told me about how she wanted to get piercings and I told her about the phobia and she told me she understood and wouldn't do it which I could have been more thankful for considering my previous relationship

/r/kosmemophobia Thread