Need Urgent Help

There is no help.

It's the human condition.

But here's a perspective:

Be glad you know about death. Be glad you're not one of those gajillion drones in God's ballet mécanique who don't.

Because that's your chance to do something about it.

It's the reason why we have managed to raise our life expectancy to a level where going triple digit is hardly regarded a miracle anymore, and we've got people winning sports medals in their 60s -- competing with 15-30yos no less.

So... what for?

Well, ask yourself: why is death such a big deal? Why does it depress you?

Well, the answer is: Life IS awesome.

In fact, it's so awesome that the mere threat against it is unbearable.

To put it another way: people typically don't get sick of life. They get love sick of life. Like when one starts hating on someone for no other reason than not being able to possess them (as wholly as one would prefer).

So cherish your gift. Not depite but BECAUSE it's threatened.

This friendly advice was brought to you by /r/radicalsatanism & friends.

/r/self Thread