[NSFW] What was the greatest length you went just to fuck someone?

I feel for you. I met a girl at a party one Fourth of July. She was really attractive and I had a few beers in me, so I decided to go talk to her. After a while she mentions her boyfriend in conversation. I add her on fb after the party anyways. Fast forward 6 months or so, she's single, I invite her out for coffee out of the blue. She accepts, and while we are chatting she tells me that she's moving like 2,000 miles away in a month. We hang out for that month or so and have lots of fun, but she tells me she's sort of seeing this other guy and that we should still be friends. One night we go out drinking and end up at a gay bar getting wasted and dancing our asses off. The club closes and we get into a cab, she tells the cab driver to go to her place. We get back there and I make a move, we make out for a bit and then when it comes time to do the deed, whiskey dick happens. I pass out and wake up the next morning incredibly hungover. We're still naked in her bed so I try to make a move again, but get shut down with the whole "I'm sort of seeing this other guy" thing again. She ends up moving and I go on with my life. Fast forward again another 8 months or so. I go on a huge road trip around the western half of the U.S. We're passing through the city she moved to so I thought I would see if she wanted to meet up and hang out while we were there. She accepts and we have a great day. My friend decided to tag along so it's just very casual and I don't even try to make a move. We only had a minute or two to ourselves while my friend was in the bathroom and we rode the elevator downstairs to have a smoke. In the elevator, our eyes lock for a little while. I smile, she smiles, but I hesitate and don't make a move. We end up going to another bar and eventually back to the hostel we were staying at. She goes home and we pass out. We continue our trip the next day and eventually make it back home a week later. I start texting the girl and tell her that I had a great time hanging out and that I regretted not making a move to kiss her in the elevator and that I felt like we had "a moment" there. She replies telling me that "there were a few moments". My heart starts racing a bit, and I ask her if she's free the next week. I bought a plane ticket that afternoon. So I fly all the way back out there the following week. She picks me up from the airport and I'm staying at her place, in her bed. All the anticipation/expectation cause me to feel an enormous amount of pressure not to fuck this up, which of course leads me to be incredibly awkward in all of our interactions. I finally get the courage to go in for a kiss. It's a bit weird. She tells me that it feels forced and basically that she's not into it. More awkwardness ensues and she asks me to sleep on the couch the following night. I wanted to jump in front of a bus. It was the most painfully awkward situation I've ever been in. Luckily I had another friend in that city and he let me stay with him for the rest of the week. So now that I've typed out this incredibly long winded response, I guess all I have to say is that I feel your pain.

TL;DR: didn't have sex

/r/AskReddit Thread