NETWAR 33.0 Tickets are on sale now!!!

Just so you are aware we have spent a lot of time over the 30+ events looking for the perfect location. We have outgrown many, and a lot of others wont work, others are cost prohibitive. We are 100% volunteer and non-profit. If we spend $10,000 to rent a venue that means no money goes to charity. Plus, as you point out, you have no idea what goes into renting a venue. We need space for at least 600, proper AC, proper power, equipment, internet, tables, chairs, etc etc. We have literally looked at every hotel conventions center, hall, warehouse, and empty space in Omaha and The Mark is the only one that can meet our needs. They have an excellent staff, give us a great deal on the rental, and are superb to work with. They pretty much let us do whatever we need to make the event happen and have bent over backwards to help keep the cost down (so we can have more proceeds go to charity).

To boil it down...there is no venue downtown that can accommodate us like you would like. If you didn't want to "make it a whole thing here" maybe you should have just said "It's a long drive for me" instead of bashing us. We're doing it for charity, we are passionate about giving back, and we want people to enjoy their time playing games while doing both.

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