New GURPS player, would like some feedback for my first character.

Reduce his size. You're trying to portray a very cinematic character, but you don't have near enough points to do that.

You're drawing shows him at 12' tall. This is roughly twice the height of a normal man, and therefore roughly 8x the weight. Game mechanically this is SM+2 (not just +1). The weight will scale the same for all his equipment, in any campaign with a nod towards realism. However, your Strength is only 14, giving you only roughly double the carrying capacity of an average man. This means you are roughly carrying 4x the encumbrance of equipment as an average man with the same loadout.

Even if you use the guidelines for scaling equipment in Low Tech, SM+2 equipment is 5x the weight, still leaving you at a disadvantage.

You're things should cost way more than just 10% more, because your are bigger than just your Gigantism accounts for, compared to the human norm (which is what Gigantism is based on).

Go smaller. You don't want to be more than SM+1 (9' tall) with that ST rating. Your best bet is actually to avoid the SM at all, but you'd have to ditch Gigantism to do that. Opponents with missile weapons get bonuses to hit you because of your size; opponents with melee weapons may also, if your GM uses an optional rule.

Also....2 handed weapons may be intimidating, but game-mechanically they are poor. You sacrifice DB from a shield and/or a second unpenalized parry or block defense for a little extra damage. Not a good trade-off. Your parry is only 11. That means you get 1 parry per turn at 11, after that you have a Dodge of 9 (probably 8, after being reduced for Encumbrance). Remember that your opponents can use things like Deceptive Attack to reduce your defense scores even more. Your leather armor won't protect you from much. You'd better hope your opponents are all 25-point mooks. Kobolds with short shorts or knives.

With Berserk as a disadvantage, you're in trouble. Berserk is a disadvantage that actually scales with your opponent's effectiveness (point value)...the better they are, the worse off you are once you go berserk. Once you go berserk, you have NO defenses, which means they can freely use Telegraphic Attack for +4 to hit, and go for vulnerable locations like the Brain or Vitals, even chinks in your armor, and put you down quickly.

Also, I've seen this many times how a player has a mental image of their character, but what's on paper just doesn't match up with this. For example, intimidation of 9 is no better than a school yard bully, and this probably doesn't map your mental image at all, and Survival of 9 will barely keep you alive in the woods....and it may not even do that. At 12' tall and ST 14, your character should be Skinny and wiry, not all burly and heroic looking. Average ST for a being that tall should be 20; burly-looking would be 25-30. Far beyond your point range.

You are very, very lean in points for the concept you are aiming for. 100 points just doesn't go far.

Have a backup character in your head all the time, because the need to use it could come up very quickly. A single critical hit could ruin your day, easily.

My $0.02.

/r/gurps Thread