Newbie here, wanting to upgrade but unsure where to start

  • Saddle has to be adjusted; the choice of saddle will reflect on what kind of riding you do: casual cruising or performance?
  • Besides the saddle, try adjusting the height because a seat too low is going to cause some hurt on the legs and knees when trying to pedal longer distances.
  • I'd rather keep some of the reflectors, even with headlights and taillights -- better to have double the visibility at anytime, as well as a fallback.
  • switching to a different drivetrain has its pros and cons; 1x9 or something like that may simplify bike operation by eliminating the front deraileur and reducing weight, but asides from the cost of retrofitting (like going for a completely new set of hubs, and trying to wedge 135mm of axle into those rear dropouts), some regular inspection and maintenance is also needed to ensure smooth operation.
  • front or rear racks, basket, or at least a handlebar bag, especially if you must ride out for groceries.
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