[News] A few things coming in the next update...

To make legendaries easier to get you can make it where you get one every 1 in 1000 cards and you make it a rotation, for example your first legendary will be the lava hound, then the next is ice wizard, then miner, then sparky then log, and so on, and when you already got all the legendaries your chances go up to 1 in 2000. Another solution is raising how many cards and gold are in chests, it would also solve the problem of having to pay thousands of dollars to max out an account, making it more fair for free-to-play players, and everyone struggles with under-leveled cards and a lack of gold, while increasing the chances of getting a legendary because you can get more cards. Yet another solution is by getting a legendary for every-time you level up, so by the time you get to level 11(because level 12 and 13 is a little hard for free-to-play players) you have at-least every legendary at level 1, but your still able to get them in chests. I also have another request that you make it where you can only get level 2 legendaries after you get all of the legendaries. I find it a great concern that everyone gets a legendary that is at-least level 8 because I'm a level 9 with almost 800 wins and I still don't have 1, and most of my clan doesn't either and they're all level 9 or they almost are, and I've had numerous friends quit the game because its a struggle to even get to arena 7 without a legendary, but I barely got to arena 8 with none but I had to grind it out. And another frustrating experience is playing some one who has at least two legendaries with 300 less wins then you, them being able to win because they got lucky and not because of skill, because after-all, Clash Royale is supposed to be a game of skill

/r/ClashRoyale Thread