Does this game have matchmaking?

The game matches based on trophies in ladder battles, and card levels for opponents in 2v2s.

There's a fuckton of people who sit 3k+ using level 11/12/13 decks with level 12/13 king towers just ready to oneshot people, then they suicide to the bottom of the bracket and repeat. I was @3.6k at king level 8 and i either saw 8s + 9s using deck similarly levelled to mine, or 11s + 12s using nearly maxed decks that either played no cards to lose on purpose (only got 2 of them) or just out-elixir traded me by using a level 13 card to kill a level 8 and then emote spammed till they won.

Then in 2v2s there's people who put in 2 or 3 maxed cards and flood the deck with level 1 commons to bring their average down and place against new players, then they use the 2 or 3 level 13 cards to absolutely dominate.

The matchmaking is there, but it's exploitable and enough people exploit it that it's a shitfest till you've either payed enough money to catch up to those players or played long enough to catch up. Nothing will be done either, as it discourages people from paying money to get stronger and the ladder smurfs have been talked about to death for 3 years now, with nothing being done about it.

/r/ClashRoyale Thread