This logo definitely explains the matchmaking in CW2!

I phrased it poorly, the point is it's an inflexible schedule.

So if the reset is always on a Monday each week, and you're too busy with work, vacation, etc. that Monday you're dead weight and harming the clan progress

You're bligated to participate as often as possible, as early as possible, every week, no exceptions. Whether it is a short week or a long week will depend on clan size, participation and skill

But it is still a ridgid, inflexible schedule that demands you are there every Monday until the race is done

Furthermore, instead of "minimum of 10" good war players in a clan needed to sustain good wars, anything less than a full clan of 50 all able to go at it every Monday is sub-optimal. As the above commenter infers, his large and skilled clan is already done with the race by Tuesday. Then why should anybody stick with their friends in clans of 40, 30, 20, 10 if they want to win wars?

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