U,u,u,u I have one too. So last night I'm sitting at shitty 1/2table and here comes crybaby/wannabe pro. All ready,backpack with snacks, sunglasses, hat and hudy , but makes min buy in 50 bb. Limps all flops and plays super tight/passive(mental lol). So he picked up one pot and his spine becomes straight like a arrow. At the game multiple Limper's, I got 99, try to isolate them with 3bet of 3,5, suddenly fish call's. Flop 9,3,4 suddenly humming stops, it's like someone turned off A/C or back up generators. I realize that's his tapping feet. I'm in position. Fish trying to check what I have.... With all in... Muahahaha if I have nothing,he got small pot, if I have monster he's ffffffffffff. So I call.... Good odds, then I see flash draw.... Turn s river blank. Fish asking for KK ( mental F) HE HAS TO HAVE AKs nuts flash. Dealer asks for winner, he show's Ao , I want to see he's whole hand( need to know his all in range preflop) show him 9. Glasses dropping on the field, whole scene like cheap shampoo commercial, he emerges from hudie. Drops second A, I show him 9. In instant face becomes red, aye's full of tier's. Poor dealer, again this is his fault. Guy steams to ATM. No bankroll managament. I suspect he is full ludo or at least bit autistic.... Continued Part 2

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