Season 8 made me become a Daenerys fan

I started loving her after season 8 because D&D/GRRM succesfully portrayed for what she truly was and was meant to be. And no I don't think she was made dirty. Her burning King's landing has been forshadowed for years abd is the result of years of character development and if you had understand her story from the beginning you wouldn't have felt that way. I've always said that, she's not intrinsically a bad person. She has good intentions but "hell is paved with good intentions" as we say. She's also very megalomaniac (added with a huge messiah complex) and constantly craves for the love and the admiration of others and I put that on the lonely and abusive childhood she had. Westeros is nothing like what her brother told her when People don't flock to her, don't whorship her like in Essos. She doesn't feel home and loved. The Starks are not the family she always craved for, the people of westeros don't lift her in the air and don't call her "mother". But worst of that there is a huge lack of self-awareness on Dany's part and it fuelled her breakdown at the end of the season. She sees herself as Westeros' saviour while the westerosi only see her as another Targeryen brutal conqueror. She thinks she does the North a huge favour by fighting the NK while the North thinks it's her duty and beyond that a question of survival for EVERYONE. When she says that she's fighting Jon's war, you can see Sansa's expression changing. She's not fighting because she wants to protect the realm, she's fighting because she wants people to love her and that's how you end up with the worst dictators... Because the world is not what she wants it to be, she chooses to destroy it and create something that fits her ideals and vision, no matter how many people have to die for it. And no, it didn't came out of nowhere. In season 5 she warned that people either lived in her world and die in their old ones. If innocent people had to die while she was "liberating" a city, they would have died for a good cause. The signs were there but people choose to ignore it.I started loving her after season 8 because D&D/GRRM succesfully portrayed for what she truly was and was meant to be. And no I don't think she was made dirty. Her burning King's landing has been forshadowed for years abd is the result of years of character development and if you had understand her story from the beginning you wouldn't have felt that way. I've always said that, she's not intrinsically a bad person. She has good intentions but "hell is paved with good intentions" as we say. She's also very megalomaniac (added with a huge messiah complex) and constantly craves for the love and the admiration of others and I put that on the lonely and abusive childhood she had. Westeros is nothing like what her brother told her when People don't flock to her, don't whorship her like in Essos. She doesn't feel home and loved. The Starks are not the family she always craved for, the people of westeros don't lift her in the air and don't call her "mother". But worst of that there is a huge lack of self-awareness on Dany's part and it fuelled her breakdown at the end of the season. She sees herself as Westeros' saviour while the westerosi only see her as another Targeryen brutal conqueror. She thinks she does the North a huge favour by fighting the NK while the North thinks it's her duty and beyond that a question of survival for EVERYONE. When she says that she's fighting Jon's war, you can see Sansa's expression changing. She's not fighting because she wants to protect the realm, she's fighting because she wants people to love her and that's how you end up with the worst dictators... Because the world is not what she wants it to be, she chooses to destroy it and create something that fits her ideals and vision, no matter how many people have to die for it. And no, it didn't came out of nowhere. In season 5 she warned that people either lived in her world and die in their old ones. If innocent people had to die while she was "liberating" a city, they would have died for a good cause. The signs were there but people choose to ignore it.

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