Rooster Teeth Cuts 13% of Staff, Laying Off About 50

Mass layoffs in their market? You do know Vice, Buzzfeed, sourcefed, machinima and many others have gone through rapid restructuring over the past few years as they overreach in a highly competitive industry. Many collapsed in on themselves in this time, and the only difference is RT is much bigger and parts of the business make money (sometimes due to intern and contracter deals)

Normally when there are restructures like this they tend to go for the more outspoken people who are high up in the company. They cut them out due to high wages and put responsibility into the rest of the team without raises saving money but putting more pressure on the business unit. Yes, a lot do see the storm coming and leave, but others are also hushed out of the company to avoid conflict and damage to the brand. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more exists from funhaus in the coming months.

Again, I don’t know what happened with respect to Bruce, but normally there’s an arbitration time where employees are free to negotiate leaving terms over a few weeks which matches up with his sabbatical. And to see Bruce streaming? I wouldn’t be surprised if he has an anti compete that he must abide by, hence the streaming. This same thing happened to a boss of mine in which our region was doing the heavy lifting in terms of revenue, but he was still pushed out.

Again, this is my own thoughts and pure speculation, but it is surprisingly common as startup culture companies with a lot of investment money adapt to be much more corporate as their funds start to dry out and the parent company expects results.

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