NLP and identity/ego/taking things personally

  1. You kill yourself so that you'd die to yourself.
  2. From the state of the observer within space - transcending the physical body
  3. You construct a completely new identity in whatever way you wish
  4. You connect the identity (anchor) with the physical form of your body
  5. You sit with it to integrate

I know, sounds a lot like reaching enlightenment, that's because it is. If you find a refined NLP model that step by step describes how to enter Samadhi, if you'll be capable to do it safely - it will give you the opportunity to create & integrate whatever identity you want whenever you want.

The whole problem of simply changing your identity through use of NLP tools - yee it will work - but the choices that you'll make on your own currently from this state will be limited by the settings of your current meta programs that work as filters.
Ye, you sort of change the filters - you still end up making a choice that's part of the bucket land that you're stuck within in the first place, you may have moved the bucket to the left or to the right, it still gives you same amount of territory to work with and same kind of boundaries and walls to your reality.
You need to make it so that you at least safely dissolve the walls and barriers of your current reality to enter into the unknown, then you'll find yourself inside the bathtub land that's relatively much more expansive.

Note that: You kill yourself so that you'd die to yourself - is a proverbial way of describing that you need to part ways with your current identity through some way of being or through some process, it also means that you need to take a look at what's actually present currently, you need to break down and rebuild in some fashion. The physical body is to be honored and preserved.

Another way how to do it is that you move the bucket that you're stuck in so radically in one direction that you assess a completely different operating set of meta programs so that the previous set would be put on pause, from that position and perspective - you take a look at the paused set of meta programs that's activated when the bucket was in previous position - you make a highly different choice on how to alter the paused meta program set, you integrate - you move the bucket back to where it was and "radical shifts" will be visible.

/r/NLP Thread