No, the Nakba was not justified. The Palestinians weren't going to genocide the Jews.

Are you saying that the Nashibibi were only prevented by the Jewish Agency from deposing the Arab higher committee? That dosent sound like a credible leadership capable of defeating the Mufti as leader of the Palestinian Arabs. Also April 1948 and March included blockades and offensives by Arabs in Mishmar Haemek and claims in David Tal and Netanel Lorch f Arab plans to take Jewish Safed. That’s not counting the Arab offensive operations in Jerusalem and other places. Also what evidence is there of a meticulously organized transfer policy in April? During the spring of 48 it was an ethnic civil war and there is no evidence of anything out of place for ethnic civil wars among hostile populations with a breakdown of public order, and Deir yassin has been disputed by Uri Milstein, Benny Morris, and Eleazar Tauber, even if massacres had happened and it would be surprising if massacres didn’t happen in wars of this type, a master plan would still be unclear.

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