Pro-Apartheid Propaganda - Same as it Ever Was

Page 17 is a good example.

Some history: After the Arab nationalists conquered Eretz Yisrael in 1948, they eradicated the Jewish population and violently imposed the Shari'ah. By contrast, the losers - the Israelis - adopted a policy of abject appeasement.

So let's turn to page 17, where Amnesty talks about the "dispossession of Palestinians in Israel" that followed Israel's shameful 18-year non-genocide policy. That reference to "Palestinians in Israel" are to folks like Halper who exploited the stupidity and generosity of the Yahood to metastasize.

A few lines later, under the headline "Use of Military Rule", Amnesty refers to the genocide-deserving social justice activists as "different groups of Palestinians in Israel".

But what do they mean by Palestinian? Let's visit the road as two neighbos leave Aleppo for the booming League of Nations Mandate. Youssef Sarsour and his neighbor Yosef Halabi. Both move down to Haifa (Sarsour to join the large Arab Nazi community flourishing there; Halabi to escape the Islamonazification of Aleppo and join the Zionist project).

The British leave, and the Arab nationalists conquer most of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine Eretz-Israel. The Arab nationalists ethnically cleanse their country and impose the Shari'ah.

Sarsour and Halabi are in Haifa, on the losing side of the war. Sarsour (like all Arab nationalists is still a ) devoted Nazi who spends his nights listening to Arab radio preaching Mohammed's divinity and the values of Arab nationalism. Halabi is a loyal Zionist.

Unlike the Zionists where the winners live, Sarsour is subject to a non-genocide policy and is allowed to metastasize. Halabi of course is drafted (wasting some of the best years of his life defending his people from Arab nationalist inhumanity), pays taxes, and lives a hard life. Sarsour the trillionaire predator lives a life of unmatched wealthy, power and luxury - the privilege of the military winners.

Now - both Youssef and Yosef are of the same ethnicity. Both Youssef and Yosef come from the same place and now live in the same location.

Why is the privileged winner called a "Palestinian" and the loser called a "Israeli", in Amnesty's text? The sole distinction is their political ideology. If you believe in Arab nationalism and are represented by the government in Ramallah (like Jeff Halper and Youssef Sarsour) then you are a "Palestinian". If you reject the teachings of the Quran and don't believe the Ramallah government speaks for you - then you are an "Israeli".

It's really that simple. Amnesty - an Arab ultra-nationalist organization - is obviously upset that the nonhuman predators weren't able to kill off *every last* Yahood in the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine-Eretz Yisrael. Unfortunately, some Jews survived, which Amnesty can't stop whining about. They even whine about the non-genocide policy!

But at the end of the day - the sole definition of "Palestinians in Israel" are those who are represented by the Ramallah government. And the sole definition of "Israeli" are those reject the socially just values of Hamas and Meretz.

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