Masochists of reddit, what made you realize you are one of them?

Since I was a kid I liked the thought of being humiliated by women. An early memory was a family trip to Alcatraz and I recall on the way over I fantasized being in the jail cells naked with women patrolling the corridora. Or them burying me in sand at the beach.

Thing is that it became obese for years in until I lost the weight junior year in high school, but those alcatraz fantasies they were very early in life, single digit ages, I recall touching my "pp" and my mom finding me in my room telling me to stop. So most people I imagine would say like that I was fat so liked being humiliates but I liked masochism before that...

The day I was at my friend's house and descovered bdsm porn was one of the greatest days of my life. I was just stunned that other people liked the torment I craved.

/r/AskReddit Thread