No programming experience, following FAQ. Want to look good on resume. Tips?

If you have no relevant degree (university, college), and even if you do, a portfolio always "looks good". A portfolio with ideally projects of your own, not tutorial ones from popular courses and videos. Being able to show off what you actually can do and demonstrably have done, and not only claim to know, can give you a real edge and make you stand out.

That said, I think you're thinking too far ahead. If you have no programming experience, and don't seem to have any real preference yet, I'd tackle this first. Unless you are very lucky or a very quick study, it will take you some time to become employable (internships are easier, look around in your area).

The skills you need also depend on what jobs you plan to apply for - which should ideally be a domain that actually interests you. I disagree with C# not looking good on a resume. Why wouldn't it?

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