NO UPVOTE!! Just need some info!

Hey thanks for the response! Just trying to get some direction for a possible future product.

  1. What region of the Country/World do you currently live? And what types of terrain/conditions do you frequent?

  2. Are you currently a member of a local off roading group or organization? And whether or not you are, how do you find other individuals to go off roading with?

  3. Aside from Reddit, are there other ways or methods in which you interact with the off roading community? And do you utilize common firms of social media to interact and connect with others in the community?

  4. Do you frequently utilize location based equipment or programs, GPS specifically, when finding and running different trails or areas?

  5. Do you frequently use methods of communication besides cell phones such as FRS/GMRS, CB, Ham in order to keep in contact with group members or others?

  6. If there was an easier way to incorporate multiple aspects from the questions above into a single piece of equipment or application, would you likely be interested in using it? If increased functionality came with a small initial or subscription based fee would you still be interested in using it?

Take all the time you need to answer, and please feel free to be as specific and detail heavy with any or all answers. Thank you again very much for your help!

/r/4x4 Thread Parent