Why none of you are better.

You dissect a champion that thoroughly and without context, they're all gonna sound unfair to a certain degree. Okay lets break down his kit. His passive, for one. Yes he gets double crit chance, but reduced damage on his crits. 90% of the time Yasuo builds PD first with AS runes. meaning for the first so many minutes of the game, he has barely an AD for those crits to even multiply. Damage shouldn't be where hes considered broken, when you look at champions like Riven, Irelia, Fiora, etc. Next in his passive is his flow shield. Yeah it generates just by moving but it can be popped by a simple basic attack, or even walking near someone with bamis cinder. Sounds easy enough.

His Q. Yeah, when you say its spammable it makes it sound bad. But its literally just a skill shot basic attack. If that wasnt spammable he wouldnt have any damage.

His W. Yeah, the wind wall is a "game breaking spell" oh no! Yasuo can block a lot of abilities and ranged auto attacks! okay heres the thing. The windwall has a monstrous cooldown early game. Bait it out and abuse it. OR heres a thought, walk around it. There are so many abilities that windwall doesnt block, and in a lot of matchups, its a completely useless ability unless your opponent has ranged projectile spells.

Okay now for Yasuo's E. Yeah, it seems like "infinite" dashes, but just as you know, theres an internal cooldown on the E that limits what he can dash to, and wildly dashing from minion to minion comes at the cost of lackluster positioning in lane. Obviously late game its a vital tool for chasing reposition in fights, but what about champions like Irelia, Fiora, and Riven? They have plenty of the seemingly endless mobility in their kit.

Instead of looking at all the ways Yasuo is so clearly broken, why not look for his shortcomings and weaknesses? When you single him out like this yeah its easy to make him look over powered. But try comparing him to every other champion in the game. If he's so overpowered, then why does he have serious hard counters in the game? Why is he quite often dumpstered by Rivens, Irelias, Darius', Kayles, Annies, etc. etc. etc.??

/r/YasuoMains Thread