Do not know much about EDS

I started treating my symptons (hyperflexibility/chronic pain/anxiety) by myself long before I got a diagnosis, this made getting a diagnosis slightly harder but I am now commended by my doctor for being physically active and getting enough rest without their help. Ive trained to be a dancer/circus artist for years. In my 20s I was unstoppable, now at 30 not so much. I made a post here just a few weeks ago venting my frustrations, but TODAY my physio therapist, primary care doctor and psychologist made a long term treatment plan. My chronic pain had brought on stress and depression, which Im now being treated for.

I still dance, I can still teach dance. And being a different abled bodied person has brought with it several valuable insights.

My life is shit right now But it wasnt always (in fact back in 2018/19 my life was amazing) But Im now finally getting help

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